
Review of Christmas Cove Lobster Cakes

I'm just a droolin' fool thinkin' about them tasty cakes! For all day long it's cakes, cakes, cakes!

"Japanese bread crumbs they use", says Master Yoda. And such thoughtfulness shows. For all about my ever expanding waistline is cakes, cakes, cakes! Fresh creamery thighs and chunky lumpy rump!

My social services caseworker asks, "Where is all your SSI going? For you'll soon be out on the streets! A bigger burden on society than you are now!" And all I can do is reply, "Cakes, cakes, cakes!"

I'm just a crustacean junky! Strung out on Bangor white! All those succulent chunks of Maine 'reef roaches' infesting my soul! Thick luscious claws pinch off my sanity! I crave the gastronomic release of innumerable patties!

Oh, Santa! God! Please! Deliver unto me - all of them sweet delectable cakes, cakes, cakes!

Product Description
The Maine lobster shines in these versatile, hand made lobster cakes. Perfect size for an appetizer or an entree. They are deliciously sweet and loaded with Maine lobster meat, no fillers as in most crab cakes. These are perfect for any meal. Eight 2 oz. cakes.

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