
Review of Francis Coppola Pomodoro-Basilico Sauce

I stumbled across a jar of the Pomodoro-Basilico sauce at my local grocer, and it didn't have a price tag on it. I probably would have balked at paying more than a few dollars for a jar of pasta sauce, but the quick note from the Director on the back of the jar enticed me to buy. He notes that not every Italian meal requires garlic all the time, and I've been looking for a good tomato basil sauce that's light on the garlic. I had a little sticker shock at checkout, but after enjoying this sauce I now know I'll probably have to indulge on a regular basis. This stuff is crazy delicious. It tastes as good as the from-scratch stuff I can get in a restaurant.

Product Description
The key to this sauce is a lot of chopped onion, but no garlic. Despite the contrary impression, Italians do not use garlic with everything. The art is in understanding when and with what to use it.

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