
Review of Nutmeg, Whole - 20 Oz Jar Each

Legend has it that if you keep whole nutmeg in your kitchen, your marriage will last. Would keeping 10 whole nutmeg seeds work even better? I'm willing to give it a try, although I think Nutmeg creates warm comforting aromas and adding nutmeg to your baking is sure to make your cooking seem more nurturing.

Nutmeg is actually native to the East Indies and was very popular from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. It is one of the original spices cultivated in Tidore and Ternate, two tiny Spice Islands in Eastern Indonesia.

The best nutmeg is now grown on the Island of Grenadain in the West Indies. A yellow peach-like fruit is harvested with a woven wicker basket attached to the end of a long pole. The inner seed is the nutmeg spice and is superior when freshly ground. The red-orange net/aril covering the outer seed is dried and ground to produce mace.

This nutmeg is the perfect size for the Mr. Dudley Nutmeg Grinder, so you always have nutmeg in the house. You may also want a copy of "Is there Nutmeg in the House" by Elizabeth David.

~The Rebecca Review

Product Description
Nutmeg should be added toward the end of the cooking process because its flavor diminishes when heated.Nutmeg is great in puddings, eggnog, spiced wine, muffins, apple pie and other sweet dishes.Nutmeg is also wonderful in savory dishes such as pasta, onion sauces, steamed spinach, and braised vegetables.

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