
Review of Foie Gras Medallions

This Pate is amazing--Buttery but dense, slightly nutlike in flavor,
tantalizingly aromatic, ethereal.

To me, it rivals the Strasburg variety at a quarter the price.
And it's made in the USA!

If you like this kind of thing, get a pound or 2 of this Pate,
a couple baguets and some mild crackers, Champagne and/or
a few exotic beers, and have
an intimate gourmet party for a lucky few friends.


Product Description
Winner of the "Best New Product" at the Fancy Food Show, this delightful blend of duck foie gras, Sauternes, and fresh black truffle breakings is perfect for a quick, elegant appetizer. Try it sliced on good toasted bread or mixed quickly with pasta. Easy to slice, more shelf-stable than fresh foie gras. Makes a very special hostess gift.

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