
Review of Metromint Orangemint Orange Mint Water 4 pack 16.9 oz. bottles

Of all the MetroMint waters, I believe this is my favorite. It's not a strong mint --- just a lovely mild tang that makes drinking water a wonderful pleasure.

The orange and mint are ever so mild --- just a hint. The only word I can think of is "refreshing".

I love the bottles. They are sturdy and handsome and a nice size for any hand. I've read a few reviews of other flavors of MetroMint that claim they taste like toothpaste. I've not had the stronger waters so I can't judge them. But this one certainly does not taste like toothpaste. It's a real treat and I wish it was available in more stores.

Highly recommended.

- Susanna K. Hutcheson

Product Description
Metromint is mintwater, simple and pure. All natural combination of water, mint and essence of orange. Relieves your thirst, soothes your body and revives your soul.

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