
Review of Cipriani Tagliardi Extra Thin Egg Pasta

For those pasta aficionados, do not miss this pasta.It is hard to explain how it can be so different from any other pasta, but it is.To say that it is very, very thin does not explain well enough its unique texture and flavor.It is exceptionally light, and holds sauce beautifully.I can only say "Try it, and you'll know what I mean."

Product Description
Cipriani has always made their own pasta and the experience they have gained over the years, has taught them that in egg pasta, there are three important elements. The flour must be made from durum wheat, the best grade eggs must be used and the pasta must be worked with care, rolled over and over again, never so much as to overheat it, but enough to give it that special quality. If all these precepts are followed, the pasta will have the essential characteristics of being both firm and soft. Two attributes that would seem to be in opposition, but which real pasta lovers recognize perfectly. If pasta of this class is then dried slowly at a low temperature, the resulting product will be unique.Serves 5 and cooks in 4 minutes.

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