
Review of Green Maté Herbal Loose Tea

Mate is actually not tea but a tea-like beverage originating from Argentina and Uruguay, and primarily consumed in those countries as well as in Paraguay and southern Brazil; brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the perennial Yerba Mate tree. Its name derives from the quichua word "mati" designating the gourd in which it is traditionally served. On average, 300,000 tons of Mate are produced each year.

In its consistency similar to green tea, mate has a distinctive, full, bittersweet flavor with a note of alfalfa, resembling that of tea but milder. Of the 196 volatile chemical compounds contained in Yerba Mate, 144 are also contained in tea. Knowing its manifold health benefits - among the plant's ingredients are the alkaloids xanthine, theophylline and theobromine as well as vitamins C, E, several B vitamins and numerous minerals - the South American Guarani Indians have traditionally used the plant for medicinal purposes, inter alia as a stimulant to the central nervous system, to promote mental, physical and cardiovascular activity, enhance resistance to fatigue, reduce fever, mitigate thirst and hunger, decrease blood pressure, and as a diuretic, laxative, purgative, sudorific, and antirheumatic.

Legend has it that knowledge of the infusion's powers was first imparted to a young Guarani woman and her father by a mysterious shaman, rewarding the woman's faithfulness in staying with her exhausted father while her tribe continued their search for arable land. In recent years, mate has become a cultural phenomenon throughout large parts of South America, and it is now gaining increased popularity in Northern America and Europe as well. In South America, sharing mate from the same container and the same straw (bombilla) is a symbol of closeness and friendship, both in a family and in other social contexts.

Product Description
Lovely, fresh, aromatic herb from South America. A great tonic for the nervous system and the entire body, known for relaxing the major muscle groups, its energizing quality and its odd way of improving sleep patterns. And it tastes exceptional!

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