
Review of Women's Bean Project Firehouse #10 Hot Chili

We tried this for the first time this week. I made it in my crock pot, even though that isn't how the directions read. It worked out great. We had it with sour cream and onions one night, in a baked potato another night and tonight mixed with whole wheat pasta. Yummy! Women's bean project is a worthwhile cause, too!!

Product Description
The spicy combination of chipotle and crushed red pepper give this three-bean chili quite a kick. Named after our bilding, the old Denver Fire Department Firehouse #10. About the Women's Bean ProjectThis product is made by the women at the Women's Bean Project, a social enterprise that offers a transitional job in gourmet food manufacturing designed to provide immediate income, arrange support services to overcome barriers to employment, and teach the job readiness skills needed to get and keep a job. The Women s Bean Project employs women who come from backgrounds of chronic unemployment and poverty, and helps them develop the work and interpersonal skills needed to function independently in the workplace and community. These tools empower women to create better lives for themselves, provide their families with hope, and contribute to a stronger community.

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